Sunday, February 8, 2009

Interview Mistakes

I agree that the top five mistakes that the article discusses are some of the worst mistakes that you can make. It seems as you get older that the interview process gets more stressful, because you usually have more on the line. At the beginning of every interview I am always really nervous and stumble over my words. As the interview proceeds to go on I find myself calming down and becoming more relaxed. I like to prepare myself for my interviews with extensive research on the company and try to know the inside and outs. I had a professor show a class one semester a pretty neat trick for college students about to graduate. She made between 50 and 60 note cards of the top interview questions and then write her response on the back. When she found some free time or she went to bed she would look over them and add changes if she felt necessary to a response. I feel that this is a great way to prepare for some of the dreaded interview questions that everyone hates. Everyone has their own way to prepare for certain items and people do what works the best for them.

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